Monday, March 23, 2009

Hear & Feel the Rhythm of Your Soul

Sometimes, I hear and feel so many different rhythms in my existence. It is like being pulled in a myriad of directions and the chaos from that can be painful. To the unknowing, it can feel and sound like unorganized noise at it’s best. To the unwilling it can feel like waves crashing against your body and scattering the fragments that remain. My challenge this week is to be willing to know deeper this world that I am a part of and feel the rhythms, harmonies, melodies, lyrics of the symphony of living. This all brings to mind a book that I started reading a few years ago called Be good-to-yourself Therapy by Cherry Harman, here is my short list of things to do “when . . .”

· When we are hurting, summon the courage to tell the person who caused the pain. Keeping it inside only makes it grow into something we can not manage and can not easily overcome.

· When we can’t think straight. Take that very moment as an invitation to stop thinking and start feeling. The world can become a different place if we are willing to cease to follow our thoughts and take up new path that allows us to feel our way through.

· When everything seems all wrong, and we are overwhelmed and need to be comforted. Be willing to ask for it, look for it, welcome it and allow it to be. Let the
comforts we seek embrace us in our moments of weakness and triumph.

· Take the time to say something loving to someone… It may help to first say something loving to ourselves. Go ahead and give it a try; the expressing of feelings is not a commitment it is a step in a new and beautiful direction.

· When I feel anxious, I take a little trip to somewhere calm and beautiful in my mind. It is there that I find clarity, hope and peace in the simple things. From that place of stillness, I let myself know that in my head I have stepped into the amazing
future, closer to something big, scary and unknown and that my body has gotten
up the energy and courage to make it so. Then I come back to this present moment bring the power of hope and the confidence that reminds me that I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.

As we take this journey of moments, hours, days, weeks, months and years, remember to feel the rhythm of your living by monitoring the “pulse of your soul.” Listen for the “skipped beats.” Take the steps necessary to restore the rhythm and remain focused. Be well. Be blessed.