Our presence, health and strength are often the key as we recall in our own living the amazing. By our account, we bear witness to the movement of a God of many names and beyond naming. This same God is our protector, our shield in battle, the lifter of our head, our hiding place, our ever flowing fountain of justice, our way maker, our physician, our healer, our advocate, our father, our mother, our comforter, the unconditional lover of our soul… God is all that and more than words can contain!
I find myself less and less concerned about what people call God and more concerned that people know that they can call God. I lay my opinions about beliefs at the feet of grace and know that belief is not the point where the story ends, and recognize that it is a new beginning and a new telling of the greatest story in me and the many of you of who God, Jehovah, Allah, Buddha, the Virgin, The Goddess are for us. Every culture, environment, sect, community of faith has its own root system in place and draws from it for nourishment and strength. Today, I thank the Ruach Elohim - the creative Sprit of God whose breath gave life and parted the seas. I am grateful for the breath life that I experienced in the dawn of this day and for the knowing that a way will be made before me by the one who has been with me even before the days of this life.
When we believe, pray, cry out, worship, love, hope, dream, walk, rest, wait, thank and evoke that which is meaningful to us, we change the atmosphere to one where unfailing love prevails. May our different ways continue to feed us and our collective sameness draw us in from the margins of life into beloved community of peace and hope where we can stand together and in one voice cry Holy.