Sunday, December 12, 2010

The List of All Lists

Lately I have noticed the myriad of lists that I have to make in order to keep up with all the things that I need to get done. Sometimes I feel like I need a list that contains all of the names of the other lists, so I will know where to find what comes next.

This morning I found myself making out what I hope to be the list of all lists; my last minute shopping list that contains all of things that I have somehow forgotten to pick up over the last few days. When somewhere among the eggs, sugar, potatoes and nutmeg, I realized all of the time, energy and preparation that I pour into a holiday meals and gatherings. So for a few moments I managed to just still my thoughts, notice my breath and become more aware of my body; just long enough to meditate and hear the voice of my soul assuring me that everything is just as it should be - so let it be... I chose to let the holiday be for me a blessing filled with fun, joy, good food, good deeds and good times. What will you let it be?

My spiritual download for the day is: the perfection that we are striving for already exists right here, right now in each of us. The warmth that we want to create in our hearts and homes will arrive with the presence of each soul. The meals that we are preparing are being prepared on an even deeper level - a soul level. I believe that when we remember to feed the soul all other needs are met.

Jesus said, "I am the Bread of Life". For us today, I know that this is still true and in the midst of all of our holiday preparations, know that the Bread has already been prepared by love and is available to nourish, celebrate, strengthen and renew each of us.

So, my list of all lists is more than just what I need to do, what I need to remember or where I need to go, it is:

A Holiday Vision List

I hold for each of you the blessings of:

A shortened to do list!

An extensive gratitude list!

Laugher that rocks the world!

The creation of memories that feed the soul...

The fullness of joy that turns friends into family

and family into loved ones...

Peace & Blessings,

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

In A Different Light

I was working in my home office yesterday morning and I needed a little break from the pace of things. So, I got up and opened the blinds and raised the window to allow more sunlight in. On my way back to my desk, I noticed that the light was telling me something, directing me to a different area of my space. Being enveloped by the light was warm and it felt so special that I closed my eyes and breathed it in. When I returned to the moment, I noticed how the light was pouring through the window and falling gently upon the bookcase. So, I followed the path of the light and my attention was drawn towards a book that was reaching out from among the others. That book was Jon Kabat-Zinn's "Wherever You Go There You Are". I read this book some many years ago and again earlier this year. As I was remembering my time with this book, it fell open to one of the pages that I had folded down. I sometimes fold the pages to mark the things that really reach out and touch my soul. As I read the passage that was marked, I found it to be just what I needed.

I reflected on how we are all on a spiritual path whether we know it or not called life. In the moments that it feels like we have absolutely no direction at all, the truth is we do. We have all the direction that we need for that brief moment in time. That direction unfolds for each of us one breath, one moment and one heartbeat at a time. The true beauty of this thought is that everything is influenced by and connected to everything else. We are so intricately connected by divine design that we are one.

My prayer for you this week is that life will reveal something special to you in the path of the light. I hold for you the newness, the rediscovery and the joy of the light that calls out to you, flows through you and as you.