This is my first post in quite some time… For those who are not aware, I am in the midst of my congregational internship in concert with the realities of school, work, family, church, life and health. In realizing that all of these realities are really the texture of my being and giving up things that I love like blogging didn’t buy me any more time or energy. So given all of the givens and at the urging of a dear friend, I rise and blog again!
My thoughts today are drawn from an Isaac Asimov quote: “The most exciting phrase to hear in science, the one that heralds new discoveries is not ‘Eureka!’ but ‘That’s funny…’
Over the past few months, my soul has screamed eureka and that’s funny countless times and often at the same time. This year, I have found myself on this spiritual journey that has taught me to be more open to things that are not like me. I have found the means to breakthrough my own perspectives, especially the ones that would have held me back from the moments that needed me the most and to appreciate every question, insight, thought, breath and aha moment.
I am so much better for this journey that has given me the wherewithal to see first the light in others and to allow the light that I have always been to shine through. So from the depths of my soul’s journey, the experience that most clearly comes to my mind in this moment is my own discovering of God, the Sacred, the Divine, the Holy, and the Oneness… within me. For years I have sang these lyrics; “God prepare me to be a sanctuary, pure and holy; tried and true. With thanksgiving I’ll be a living sanctuary, for you.” What is different for me today about these words is the verb tense; I have sang and lived this song in future tense. What does that mean? It means that I have been holding my relationship with God in time that is not yet present. I have been on a journey that had not brought me to the destination of the present moment. My eureka and that’s funny moment allowed me to discover the present moments with God, the very essence of the Divine in the now and that manifested for me in the conjugation of the verb – to be. One of the voices of the present tense (indicative)of the verb to be is “I am” – the very name of God. I am finding or noticing the presence of God in all sorts of places and people in the world. It is amazing what you see when you take the time to look. As I the encounter the Sacred in others, I encounter and acknowledge the same in myself… I Am that I am. I am that which I seek – love, grace, peace, hope, acceptance, connection and prosperity. I am the love of God that is very present in this moment and in the world around us. This for me is a love worth finding. My prayer for you in the coming days is that you will discover and rediscover the power of the present tense and in the use of your own I AM statements - Who are you right NOW? My hope is that we will all take time to experience the Divine presence in ourselves and in others in the present. Be Blessed!
For now, this is my truth and I am living it!