Thursday, July 16, 2009

Perscription or Perspective

Years ago, I would hang on to my old prescription eyeglasses in case I would lose and damage my new pair. What I found over time is that either my eyes or the way that I looked at things had changed. Things that had once been very clear to me were now fuzzy and vice versa. The somewhat amusing thing is life can be the same way; as our experiences unfold before us, and time and chance happens to us all, we somehow learn to see things differently. Take time this week to look past the things we think we know and understand and view life through a different lens, point of view or perspective. Maybe, just maybe we will find the clarity and simplicity that we seek right in the middle of the fuzziness. As for those old glasses, I donate them now so that someone else has a chance to see life clearly.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Set Sail!

Living here in Florida, we experience our fair share of storms and the chaos they cause and the path of destruction that remain. This reminds me of the story where Jesus calmed the stormy seas and how even in the midst of the storms of our lives, there is still a very real opportunity for peace in the midst of it all. It may require us to undock our lives from the pier or push off from the shore that gives us safety and shelter and set sail for hope and peace. This week, I pray that there will be countless opportunities for all us to set sail and witness the miracles of living through a lens of faith that lets us find peace in the midst of storm. May these experiences flow into all areas of our lives and influence all that we touch and are becoming.