I returned to Cambridge today and it was like entering the familiar presence of a long lost friend. I had forgotten how easy it is to have my breath swept away by the subtle beauty of all around me and how intoxicating the sounds of conversations and laughter could be for the soul. The trees gently were swaying in the breeze and reached out to me as I returned and the sky was painted the most beautiful blue I had seen in a while and all this just for me. On my journey from Logan Airport into Cambridge, I could see the Charles River in the distance as I got closer. I found myself eager, longing, surprised and relived by the elegant movement of her currents. The last time I saw the river was in mid-January, she was frozen, still and quiet. As I passed by in the warmth of my taxi, she whispered “I bid you good journey until we meet again.” Today my friend the river was alive, vibrant and graceful! There she was only a stone's throw away, waiting for me to return.
I took time to watch a few of the of the scullers gently gliding along and I thought to myself how cool is that? Just to be able to float along the river and be moved by the rhythm of creation in synch with the wisdom of the wind. Then I began wonder; as the scullers are moved by their own power and strokes of the oars along the river’s edges, what is it that moves us through life and the living thereof? What carries us when we are weary, comforts us when we’re lost, holds us close when we’re lonely? What is it that keeps us going, laughing, breathing, hopeful and grateful? What is it that moves us along our river’s edge?
I took time to watch a few of the of the scullers gently gliding along and I thought to myself how cool is that? Just to be able to float along the river and be moved by the rhythm of creation in synch with the wisdom of the wind. Then I began wonder; as the scullers are moved by their own power and strokes of the oars along the river’s edges, what is it that moves us through life and the living thereof? What carries us when we are weary, comforts us when we’re lost, holds us close when we’re lonely? What is it that keeps us going, laughing, breathing, hopeful and grateful? What is it that moves us along our river’s edge?